Your Team - Miah - Intern

Written by Alex Vollhardt | May 5, 2020 7:57:27 PM

Get to know US

Miah Kurtz

by Alex Vollhardt

Meet Miah: She’s an Intern, she’s not an Enigma, but TLG intern Miah can crack the code of any situation and find the hidden hope.
We sat down with her, to try to decipher what makes her tick. 

Position: Intern


How did you choose a career in language services or as a linguist?

I have always loved codes, alphabets, words, and anything other than English. When I was little my Dad would trade easy codes like A=1 with me. As I got older, I’d continue to write in other systems to my friends, or create my own conlangs. When college approached I wanted to study everything, but as I looked back on what I’ve been the most interested in throughout growing up, I realized I either wanted to teach, or work with languages.

What do you like most about what you do?

Practicing my admittedly stunted social skills is always interesting! And I really like the people I work with.

How is the COVID-19 Pandemic affecting you differently than you expected?

I have somehow become even more busy! But I appreciate the work I have because it means life goes on. I’ve been given an opportunity to be home with my younger siblings and see how they’ve grown since I’ve been at college. I’ve been able to hang out with my pets and I’m also getting home cooked meals!

What is a typical work day like for you now?

Spreadsheets, spreadsheets, spreadsheets! And some emails. Especially now that everything is being done virtually. In the office though, I could balance the online work with the physical paperwork and tasks. Now, I try to balance it out by getting up to get snacks or make tea. 

What do you do outside of work?

Lots of things! Of course, I go to school. But I also pursue many creative outlets. I love music and I’m learning to play the cello and piano. I’m an artist, I love to draw and make jewelry. I’m also an avid reader and sometimes writer. 

What are you most passionate about?

Too many things!!

What’s a fun fact you would like us to know about you?

I also work as a lifeguard and swim instructor during the summer. My siblings and I have been on the swim team together for several years.

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

THEre is
GOOD in the world.


.. more to come