TLG made it in the Top 33 interpreting providers 2019 Worldwide

NimdziArtboard 1The Language Group made the list of the Top 33 Interpreting Companies Worldwide.

In the recently published THE NIMDZI INTERPRETING INDEX you can find us on spot #31.

This is the first Nimdzi Interpreting Index. There has not been a ranking of the top players in interpreting in years and it is a great time to take a closer look at this sector of the language industry because interpreting is becoming more significant and scalable. The Nimdzi Interpreting Index includes a ranking of the largest players in the business, an estimated size of the global interpreting market, and an overview of its current state. 

The market in Numbers

Some highlights about the interpreting market 
- Market sized at USD 7.6 billion

Other TLG mentions in the report: 

There are many different approaches to interpreting in the US. Large companies, like LanguageLine Solutions, offer high-quality premium price solutions. Smaller companies, like The Language Group, focus on providing customized solutions to their clients. Many local providers work with onsite interpreters (especially in California) and resell virtual interpreting technology (VIT) solutions from others.

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