Gulya Johnson, appointed new position Interpreter Coordinator

Written by Rolf Hecken | Jan 31, 2019 3:56:47 PM

Team Highlight - Gulya Johnson

Those of us that have worked with (and at) The Language Group have interacted at one time or another with our Operations Support Specialist, Gulya Johnson.  Gulya is so full of energy that she always brings the level of energy up in any room.  Gulya also sets the emotional tone each day with a simple meme posted in our common area.  Something as trivial as a meme not only sets the tone for the day, it also diffuses any stress we may be feeling at the time.

From supporting Interpreter Operations, to ensuring proposals are packaged and delivered to meet their deadlines, to preparing the office for our monthly meetings, Gulya is ever at the ready to keep the company running smoothly.

One of Gulya’s passions is fitness.  As a matter of fact, she is a certified fitness instructor.  She teaches a class called “Body Attack”.  And over time she has convinced several co-workers to join her class on an early Saturday morning for an action packed session of Body Attack. 

By the end of 2018, Gulya will be relocating to San Diego.  Over the past several months, she has been asking our fearless leader to participate in her class.  Always willing to try something new, Giovanni was willing to give it a try.  However, since time is ticking, as Gulya will be leaving for San Diego within a matter of weeks, Giovanni only had a couple weekends left to attend.  He couldn’t avoid it any longer.  So, on December 15th Giovanni attended Body Attack.  The class had about 20 attendees of varying ages and fitness levels.  By the end of the class, the one thing in common amongst all the attendees is that everyone was exhausted...  Except for the instructors.  They were just warming up.

This is a picture with Gulya (kneeling front and center) and some of her fellow instructors along with our boss, Giovanni (Standing behind her with the blue shorts), giving us proof that he did attend… and survive. 


Although Gulya is leaving our HQ, she will continue to be a member of the TLG team, serving in a new capacity as Interpreter Coordinator.